為呈現歐洲精品概念店的空間質感,大量使用鍍鈦金屬和反射材,讓空間散發出耀眼的金色光芒,天壁立面顯得熠熠生輝,帶來璀璨奪目的視覺張力。 To render the space texture of boutique concept store in Europe, a large number of titanium-plated metals and reflective materials are used to create a golden glow in the space, making the ceilings and facades appear radiant and bringing a dazzling visual tension. 隨著消費型態的變遷,對於周邊產品及生活需求更加透明化,複合式商業空間的經營形式,正以時尚、前衛且帶有在地文化的特色,如雨後春筍般的成立,積極取代單向操作的商業經營模式。 With the changes in consumption patterns and more transparency of peripheral products and living needs, the business model of compound commercial space is now featuring fashion, avant-garde and local culture. Springing up like mushrooms, it is actively replacing the one-way operational business model. 位於中國常州的此案,即以烘焙結合餐飲的經營模式,透過恆岳設計團隊的規劃整合,成功的給予嶄新的消費行為與創新的視覺體驗! Based on the business model combining baking and catering and through the planning and integration of Design team, this case in Changzhou, China, presents successfully a brand new consumer behavior and innovative visual experience! 建築外觀考究歐式建築的線條,運用大面積的開窗納入充裕陽光及城市景況,更利用建築本身的斜面角度,透過窗的結構延伸出開闊視角與精品意象;為呈現精品質感,於一、二樓地材特地從台灣直運西班牙進口木紋磚,以人字及線性的拼貼工法,分別成為上下樓層的地坪表情。 Based on the business model combining baking and catering and through the planning and integration of Heng Yueh Design team, this case in Changzhou, China, presents successfully a brand new consumer behavior and innovative visual experience!